2040's Ideas and Innovations Newsletter, Issue 68: Targeted Transformation
Issue 68, August 11th, 2022
What’s the default approach to organizational pivots and transformation? Popular opinion is that technology will lead the way and the workforce will follow. It’s a seductive, but majorly misguided notion. First and foremost, it’s the human factor that will make or break any strategic plan. And that’s the focus of our new book, The Truth about Transformation. Our playbook takes a deep focus on what you need to know, the questions you should ask, and the balance between macro and micro influences that drive high performance. It’s not your typical business book; rather it is an original, provocative look at what you don’t know you don’t know, the typical assumptions we make, and the landmines that prevent sustainable transformation.
True transformative change requires an understanding of the human factors at play, how conscious and subconscious behaviors can derail any plan, and how society is influencing your organization. Change is the only constant. An evolving reality is emerging, one that will fundamentally change who we are, how we work, and how organizations will be relevant today and in the future. The truth about transformation is not what you may think. Our guide to organizational transformation will surprise, confound, provoke, and challenge every ingrained belief. The future is out there, and the truth about transformation will change how you lead.
Whether you are a CEO about to reorient an organization, a board director seeking to improve organizational performance, a manager seeking to align your team, or someone just starting a career, with all the passion for change that you bring, The Truth about Transformation will help you catalyze your own recognition and thoughts about the importance of the human factor. And we’re pretty sure you may also learn some things about yourself that you didn’t know!
Read more about Targeted Transformation and the Book on 2040's website>