Is Your Organization Ready to Comply with Privacy Laws and Regulations in 2023? 2040’s Ideas and Innovations Newsletter, Issue 84
Issue 84, December 1, 2022
A wise man once told us when thinking about a significant life event, “We can be prepared, but we’ll never be ready.” So, it may be a stretch to connect mortality with privacy laws, but we would argue that most organizations are neither prepared nor ready to deal with the privacy changes at the state level in the United States and countrywide in many countries around the globe.
And here we are, several weeks away from the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), a follow-on to the California Privacy Protection Act of 2018, parts of the Colorado Privacy Protection Act, Virginia Privacy Law and others taking effect January 1, 2023. If you are a globally focused organization, what many describe as international, the Digital Services Act (entering into force February 2023) and the Digital Markets Act (parts in force November 2022 and fully by May 2023) covering the entire European Union are going to significantly impact your organization.
Additionally, other countries like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom and Australia have or will soon have individual digital privacy protection laws modeled after the European Union. Each is a landmark shift in how any organization connects with its stakeholders online and collects their data.
We raised several red flags last summer (2022) encouraging introspection, analysis and consideration of changes in strategy and tactics by revealing what inference data is and how it is defined by the new laws, calling attention for being forewarned and forearmed in how data management and collection is going to change, and over two issues ( Privacy Regulation Update: The Doors Are Locking on User Data and Breaking News: New Privacy Updates), discussing the legislative updates in detail.
If you haven’t yet mastered the knowledge and awareness you need, now is the time. At this time of year, we tend to get distracted by the holidays and often become nostalgic looking backwards on the year that has nearly passed. We would caution looking backwards or being distracted will come with unintended consequences impacting what you and your organization seek to achieve in 2023.